Badger Track Club Training Plans
Distance running and sprinting is the core for many sports and is not limited to Track, Cross Country and Road Racing. All athletes in sports such as Soccer, Football, Basketball and Hockey can benefit greatly from increasing their aerobic capacity through distance training to improve their overall fitness. Our training plans fit all ages. We offer various training plans for all ages 8 and up, which are listed below.
We offer a Fall Cross Country session as well as a Spring\Summer Track session through our Youth Program. They are 8-10 weeks depending on the time of year. If you sign up for our mailing list on the homepage you will get notifications on them. We also offer one on one training in person or virtual. This information is below.
Monthly Remote Training Cost –
This training plan includes the following
- 1 HOUR in person or virtual meeting to discuss your current training plan, goals…etc. This will identify a full running\training assessment fit specifically for your needs
- Coached Virtually via 2 week training plan blocks with modifications from feedback from you via good sheets
- Monitor your workouts and races via Garmin Connect or Strava. We recommend a watch that has heart rate as well as GPS distance data.
- Email and text responses about questions to workouts, race schedules…etc.
- You will receive a Badger Track Club T-shirt with the program.
- Fill out the SIGN-UP form to get started
Personal Training One on One Cost –$85/Hour. Pre-paid hourly packages have discounts please contact for more information
- We will meet with you in person or virtually to discuss your current training plan, race schedule, and face to face workout planning.
- Meet you in person to conduct scheduled hard workout. You may bring a training partner to run with you if you would like. If doing strength work it would only be yourself
- Attend a race with you, observe your pre-race warm-up, watch you race and give feedback on what is needed for future improvements (travel to the race and back would be per the hourly charge)
- Injury, recovery, strength work, consulting and referrals. We will work with you on referrals to massage therapists, core strength experts and rehab from a previous injury.
- You will receive a Badger Track Club T-shirt after 2 sessions.
- Fill out the SIGN-UP form to get started
Group Training Cost– TBD per the # of athletes attending the workouts
- If you have a group of friends\athletes who are interested in being coached in a group setting for hard\quality days, we will work with you on a group rate.
- At times during the year we offer an open “show up” workout on the weekends that you can attend for a cost. Usually $10 per 1 hour group session. This group is a max of 20 per session.
- Fill out the SIGN-UP form to get started
Weekly Group Runs -FREE
- Depending on the time of year we meet on some weekends for group runs. If your interested in learning more about the club or just want to come out and have fun running with others feel free to sign up for our mailing list on the homepage.
- If you’d like to run your races as a member of the Badger Track Club, you will have an option of buying a T-shirt and a Singlet, just let us know you’d like to do that.