PLEASE READ ALL OF THE INFORMATION BELOW. YOU WILL NEED TO PAY AT THE END OF THE FORM TO COMPLETE YOUR SIGN-UP. YOU CAN PAY VIA CREDIT CARD OR USE YOUR PAYPAL ACCOUNT. LIMIT OF 150 athletes for the program. If you have a problem signing up or paying please email badgertrackclub@gmail.com so we can help.
Ages 10-18 Beginner to Advanced Welcome!
Dates: June 9th-July 28th 2024
Verona Badger Ridge Middle School\Old Verona High School Track
300 Richard St, Verona, WI 53593
Mondays and Wednesdays 6pm-7:30pm
June 9,11,16,18,19,23,25
July 7,9,14,16,21,23,28, Last day of practice is Kids vs Parents Track Meet)
No Practices The Week of 4th of July
COST: $215.00
The cost covers all practices, and a Badger Track Club tank top\racing singlet.
NOTE: You are required to sign a waiver before participating. Please bring it to the first day of practice. You can print it out HERE
It’s still early and we don’t have the dates for the meets yet. Wisconsin Track Club hosts 5 meets on Thursdays during the series. We will post that as soon as it becomes available. Cost is usually 10 dollars per meet and has unlimited event entries for the athlete. These are community open meets open to anyone of all ages 7 and above.
WTC Summer Series:
Summer Track Series
Dane County Championships
Location: TBD usually in Madison area or surrounding area high schools.
Date: Saturday, June 14, 2025
Location: Wisconsin Lutheran High School
Address: 330 N. Glenview Ave, Milwaukee, WI, 53213
Time: 5:15pm-10:00pm
Cost: $30 by May 10 / $40 by June 8 / $50 late
Goal: The Pursuit of the Pineapple
Online Registration: CNot open yet
Livestream: Click Here
Results: Click Here
2025 WI USATF Association Track and Field Meet
Date: JTBD
Location: Carroll University, Waukesha
Note: You must compete in this meet in order to qualify for the JO Region 8 meet. The JO Region Meet qualifies you for the National Track Meet
You must also have a valid USATF Membership and be associated with Badger Track Club to compete. In order to do this please follow these instructions. If you have an issue, please find Coach Beth at practice to help you
Here is the link to create a USATF account https://www.usatf.org/membership/application/index.asp Also during the process associate them with Badger Track Club so we can manage their entries in USATF events. When asked for a club use Club # 20-0656: Badger Track Club The age group they will compete in is based off of the age on December 31st of the year you are competing in. You have options for multiple years, or can just renew on a yearly basis. The association with the club is a one time process.
As we get more information on the meet, we will update the link for the meet and registration link
2025 Region 8 USATF JO Track Meet
The 2025 USATF Region 8 Championships will be held at Iowa State University on July 10-13, 2025
2025 USAtf Junior Olympics National Track Meet
TBD will update when the information is released
Sign-Up Link will disappear when the program is full. We have a waitlist, if you would like to be added please email badgertrackclub@gmail.com